Money in Politics

Money in Lobbying

December 03, 2020 CallTime.AI Season 2 Episode 15
Money in Lobbying
Money in Politics
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Money in Politics
Money in Lobbying
Dec 03, 2020 Season 2 Episode 15

When people hear the phrase "money in politics," they may think about the role of dollars in campaigns. But another concept probably comes to mind: lobbying. Many associate lobbying with something sinister, such as decision-makers being paid to act on behalf of special interests. But the ability to press elected officials to influence policy outcomes is a big part of our democracy. MP Wray is the founder and owner of Top Drawer Strategies, a government and public relations firm based in Louisiana. MP joins the Money in Politics podcast to help us better understand the world of lobbying and the role of money in that process. 

Show Notes

When people hear the phrase "money in politics," they may think about the role of dollars in campaigns. But another concept probably comes to mind: lobbying. Many associate lobbying with something sinister, such as decision-makers being paid to act on behalf of special interests. But the ability to press elected officials to influence policy outcomes is a big part of our democracy. MP Wray is the founder and owner of Top Drawer Strategies, a government and public relations firm based in Louisiana. MP joins the Money in Politics podcast to help us better understand the world of lobbying and the role of money in that process.